Torment and Lies (New Danganronpa v3 x OC) (2024 rewrite) - Chapter 3 - EeveeShiko (2024)

Chapter Text

The gym was filled with the suite murmurs of 17 students, each turning to the closest person next to time to ask what was happening only to be met with the same answer every single time.

*I don’t know.*

It weighed down on them, some more than others. Some seemed intrigued, looking around the gym with bright eyes and a smile, while others were fully on edge, jumping at the slight gust of air that blew in their general direction.

Kirumi counted the heads in the gym, pointing at each of them. "All seventeen of us have gathered..."

Kaito was one of the students who seemed borderline excited. "It's pretty spectacular seeing allseventeen of us Ultimates gathered together!" He looked almost… proud. Like he had never met another Ultimate before.

"Kehehe...” Korekiyo wrapped his arms around his body, giving Kaito a curious look. “You may not be able to be so easygoing for much longer..."

Tsumugi swayed in her spot, her eyes glazed over while scratching her chin at a snail's pace. "In this situation, it's no use thinking about things. So eventually, Tsumugi stopped thinking."

"Nyeh...” Himiko rolled a pinky finger in her ear, a loud yawn escaping her. “What's going to happen to us? I bet it'll be a big pain..."

"..." Tenko stared at Himiko, slowly leaning in closer and closer.

"What?” Himiko leaned back, scrunching her face up. “What are you looking at?"

"Yumeno-san, you can use amazing powers, right? Cuz you're psychic and stuff? Right?"

"I'm not psychic, I'm a mage."

"Whooooa! That's amazing!” Tenko clapped her hands, bouncing on her heels. “I definitely want to incorporate that into Neo-Aikido! Hey, what sort of training did you undergo to gain your awesome powers?"

Himiko let out a groan. "Talking about it is too tiring..."

"You're really lazy." Kaede commented, narrowing her eyes at Himiko, who didn’t even notice or… probably hear her.

"Pardon me, but... we need to be on guard.” Kiibo took a step forward to the two girls, Tenko shooting him a conflicting glare. “We do not know if and when danger will strike."

"D-don't say that...” Kokichi bit down on his nails, eyes darting all over the gym. “I'm so scared... I don't know what to do."

Angie clasped her hands together, holding them close to her heart. "There is no need to worry! God will protect us!"

"Phew, that's a relief!" Kokichi’s timid behaviour was gone with the snap of a finger, resting his arms behind his head and leaning back.

"Is your brain full of weed or something?” Miu yelled from across the room, pointing at the leader. “I'll whack 'em outta that skull of yours!"

Kaito let out a boisterous laugh, punching his fists together. "Don't worry about it! If those teddy bears show themselves again, I'll kick their asses!" He took a step forward in front of the group.

“…!” Ichika tensed up, body spinning on the spot and her eyes darting to the stage.

Ryoma noticed her strange behaviour. "Hmm, what's wrong kiddo?"

"…Something’s coming."

Gonta cupped his right ear, eyes widening. “I think I hear it too…”

A faint thudding came from behind the stage, drawing the attention of all the Ultimates. They all heard it now. Then it happened. Five massive mechanical marvels, each coloured the same colours as the Monokubs, leapt out from the stage, shaking the entire gym as they landed on the wooden ground before the students.

"Yoo-Hoo! Rise and shine ursine!" They chirped in perfect unison, the glee in their voices clear as day.

Tsumugi let out an ear-piercing shriek, crumpling into a heap on the floor with her hands over her head. "Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Gonta wasted no time in shielding Tsumugi, an arm outstretched in front of her. "Everyone! Get behind me!"

Ichika let out a low whistle, having the balls to lean in, observing the wires and pipes that made up the blue machine. "Now this… this is something you don't see every day."

Tenko’s hands clutched a thoroughly shaken and sweating Himiko’s shoulders, ready to throw the magician behind her at any second. "Wh-What the heck are these... monsters!?"

"Wooooooaaaaa!!! So cooooooool!!!" Kokichi looked as if he held no fear whatsoever, staring at the machines over twice his height with wonder.

Monokid’s voice came from the blue one. "They're Exisals! Highly mobile, bipedal weapon platforms! They got lotsa hometown pride too!"

"I can't keep track of all these backstories." Monosuke sighed from the yellow one.

Miu stumbled back, eyes darting between the Exisals and the exit door, currently and rather unfortunately, blocked by one of them. "Wh-whatever they are, they better kill off the uggos first and save me for last!"

Kokichi cupped his hands around his mouth to shout, "Run Yumeno-chan!"

"Why are you concerned about me all of a sudden?" Himiko was quickly dragged behind Tenko who shot Kokichi a nasty scowl.

"Hm, didn't someone say they would 'kick all their asses'?" Maki slowly turned to Kaito, who was rooted to the spot.

"Wh-What the hell!? Nobody told me about these!"

"Alright, chill out, no need to panic... We're probably not in any danger. If they wanted to kill us, they'd have done it by now." Rantarou spoke up through the sea of panicked voices, striding towards the Exisals. "So... what do you want from us? You clearly want *something*, that's what the guns are for, right?” He pointed at the machine's right arm. “Let me guess. You're gonna force us to do something, and if we don't, we get hurt. Well, you have our attention. So what do you want?"

"Huh.” Monosuke scoffed, leaning its massive body down to Rantarou’s level, who refused to budge despite the sweat forming on his face. “Well, aren't you a wise guy?"

"I'll start us off! Listen up!” Monokid roared over Monosuke, punching the air. “Here's what we want you punkasses to do... Hahhhhh! My heart’s goin' 100 miles per hour! I'm gonna say it! You ready!? Hell yeah!, It's a-"

"KILLING-GAME." Monodam interrupted his grand speech.

"M-Monodam! How dare you upstage me!"

Tenko froze, her grip on Himiko’s shoulder slacking. "W-wait a second, what did you just say?"

"I-If I heard him correctly-" Kiibo started only to be interrupted by the same robotic voice.


Monotaro gasped, raising its hand up to its face."Oh! He said it again!"

"Grrrrrrrr!” Monokid stamped his foot on the wooden gym floor, sending vibrations through it. “God damn it, Monodam! I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!"

"C'mon, we don't have time to fight amongst ourselves!" Monophaine turned to the others, waggling her finger at them.

Monotaro’s Exisal nodded, raising its gun up. "Yeah! If you don't stop fighting,I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!"

"You too, Monotaro?” Monophanie paused for a brief moment, then shrugged. “If this is what it's come to, then I will crush the four of you with this here Exisal!"

"Hey! Why are you including me!?" Monosuke snapped. "Oh well! It's more appropriate for us to be hostile to each other!"

Monotaro and Monosuke’s Exisal’s head-butted each other, the screeching sounds of metal reverberating through the gym hall as they pushed against each other in an attempt to push the other over.

"You wanna go, jabroni!?

"Who you callin'jabroni,jabroni!?"

"What'd you say,jabroni!?"

"I'll throw down any time,jabroni! Check yourself before you wreck yourself!"

A long, drawn-out whine from Miu drew some people's attention to her, to witness the girl biting her nails, face burning up. "S-Seriously!? Are they gonna get it on right in front of us!?"

"Don't worry.” Angie clapped her hands twice, not bothering to look at Miu properly. “God is watching over us."

Tsumugi gawked at Angie, who had started to pray. "In a situation like this, is he just going to watch!?"

"Either way, it's too dangerous!” Kiibo started to move towards the exit door of the gym. “We need to get out of here or else-"

"Now, now, now. My cute little cubs... you gotta know off this awful fighting..." A high-pitched, taunting voice echoed through the gym, the Exisal’s halting all action. The lids of the machines flung wide open, revealing the interior of the machines along with the Monokubs, who leapt out of their grey cushioned seats, crying out for this mysterious figure.

"Father? Father, is that you?"

"Papa Kuma! Papa Kumaaaaaaa!"

"Daddy!? Where are you, daddy?"

“D-Daddy!?” Kaede’s mind was racing as she tried to process the current situation. These robotic bears… had a father?

It was at that moment that all the lights in the gymnasium suddenly shut off, darkness falling over the gym. The students let out panicked cries, someone tripping on their own feet and falling to the ground, which just caused more panic. The stage lights lining the gym all pointed to the centre of the gym stage and...

A Monochromatic bear with wings jumped out and settled its small black and white body on the podium. It was about a third of the height of Kaede, but still marginally larger than the Monokubs.

"I am the god of this new world... and headmaster of the Ultimate Academy! The one, the only, Monokuma! Nice to meetcha!" It was definitely the owner of the strange voice that echoed through the gym a mere few seconds ago.

"Yayyyy! Father's here!"

"Hell yeah! Another epic entrance from Papa Kuma!"

"Daddy is soooo cool!"

"My cute little cubs! All so so freakin' cute! The only reason I tolerate your tiresome antics is cuz you're all so cute.” Monokuma held his paw up, three sharp claws shooting out, bearing them to his own children in a tiny veiled threat. “Even when the prologue is going way too long, I'll allow it cuz you guys are cute. In fact, the very first prologue ever was only short cuz you cutie-patooties weren't there."

Monosuke nervously pushed his glasses up, fidgeting with his box. "Pops... are you mad at us?"

"Don't be an idiot!" Monokuma snapped, his red eye glowing while he brought out his other paw, now showing off both clawed appendages. "I would never get mad at my cute little cubs!"

"Gahhhh! He is mad!"

"But... Daddy is still cool even when he's angry."

"Pops is from a planet of handsome bears that get cooler as they get angrier. Super Monokuma, Super Monokuma 2, Super Monokuma 3, and finally, Super Monokuma 4-" Monokuma clapped his paws together in a rage, silencing all the cubs for a moment before they started screaming.

"How many times do I gotta say it!? I'm not MAD!!!"

"Ahhhh! Father just transformed into a Super Monokuma God Super Monokuma!"

"That's only possible when six Monokumas of pure heart are gathered together!"

"It's the power you bust out when you really wanna f*ck the world's sh*t up!"

"It's a power ya only see when the gods themselves do battle!"

Kaede had enough of this strange charade. She wanted answers, and she was going to get them. "What’s this? What's going on!?"

Tsumugi leaned into Kaede from the side to whisper, "Another teddy bear appeared..."

"Yes, but that is no ordinary teddy bear.” Korekiyo shuddered, wrapping his arms around his body tightly. “I can see it...” His head tilted back to stare at the ceiling. “The despair and madness swirling around that cursed thing..."

"Woah, first of all, I'm no teddy bear. I'm Monokuma!” He stomped his foot on the stage and pointed at Korekiyo, like a child. “And show some respect, I'm the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles!"

Maki finally started to pay attention to the strange bear. "...Headmaster?"

"It appears to be a sort of autonomous robot with a built-in A.I, like me..." Kiibo pinched his grin while grimacing at the fact that this Monokuma could potentially be similar to him.

"Well, that may be, but I'm worried about this killing game that you mentioned...” Rantarou wasted no time in walking up to the stage, staring at Monokuma right in his beady eyes. “What exactly does that mean?"

Monokuma stared at Rantarou. He started to laugh. And laugh. And laugh.

Kirumi clenched her skirt, shooting the laughing bear a dirty look. "What is so amusing?"

"It's just...when I said it before, I just kinda phoned it in and now I feel awkward... I want you students with your Ultimate-level talents to participate in a killing game!" Monokuma cheered, his paws flying up in the air as if this were something to celebrate

"Please stop joking! Why would we agree to participate in a killing game!?" Kiibo cried out, holding his hands close to his chest.

"Huh? You guys don't wanna do it? But if you look around the academy, then you already know, right? This academy is surrounded by a huge wall. You can't escape to the outside world... and as long as we have the Exsials, you can't defy us! In other words... I hold the power of life and death over each and every one of you!"

Ichika hummed, putting her fist into her palm. "I see… So you're basically saying that you'll kill us all if we don't play this game?"

Tenko’s head whipped to face Ichika, her mouth open wide. "Y-you gotta be kidding me!” She turned back to Monokuma, clenching her fists. “Why would friends kill each other?"

Monokuma slapped his knee at her words. "Who said you guys were friends? You guys aren't friends at all...**your enemies out to kill each other!"**

Shuichi gripped the edges of his shirt, his breathing unsteady. "E-Enemies...?"

"Hmm, I still have a lot to learn from father about sarcasm." Monotaro let out a sigh, leaning back against his Exisal

Monokid smashed his guitar, the instrument smashing in pieces with an ugly string of sounds. "All this talkin' is bugging the sh*t outta me! I gotta beat up Monodam to relieve the stress!"

"But... I don't like that. I'm not good with violence or gore or sad situations," Monophaine looked at Monokuma. "Um, Daddy... instead of a killing game, could we do a rock-paper-scissors tournament?"

Monokid slapped Monophaine uptop her head. "Who'd wanna play a game where no one dies!?"

Monokuma just giggled, watching his cubs with a twisted fondness in his little eyes. "Well, you do have a cute compassionate personality. It's so cute I can barely stand it. Why it's cute enough to eat! Cute enough that I wanna eat it!"

"Hey, Monophaine. You might wanna dial back the cute schtick a bit." Monotaro commented to a sweating Monophaine.

"Cool it with the stupid banter," Ryoma interjected, flicking away his fake cigar. "I want to ask something. How are we supposed to kill each other? Are you going to give us weapons?"

Almost immediately, Kaito shouted in protest of his words. "W-what the hell man!? What are you asking?"

"We need to get info from them first. We can do anything if we don't know anything."

"Weapons? Huh?” Monokuma’s head tilted, tapping his paw against his snout. “What kind of barbaric display are you envisioning? You couldn't be more wrong. Why at the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, this killing game is quite the refined, sophisticated experience! Here, the killing game is punctuated by class trials!"

"Okie-Dokie! Let us explain!" The Monokubs chanted in unison.

"Alright, so if one of you maggots kills someone, you gotta face off in a class trial!

"The class trial is where the blackened killer faces off against their spotless classmates!"

"It's where you punk-ass bitches argue over who you f*cking think the blackened is! After that, it's voting time! And if the majority of you idiots vote correctly..."

"Th-then only the blackened killer will receive pu-pu-punishment... Hrk...! So cruel... just imagine all the blood and gore... it's making me wanna puke!"

"After the blackened is punished, the rest of youse'll just keep right on livin' with together..."

"But if you vote for the wrong person during a class trial... the blackened gets off scot-free, and all the spotless students get punished instead!"

"Hell yeah! Them's the rules of the class trial! Woo-hoo-hoo! Aooowwww!"

Monokuma nodded, clapping his paws while his cubs gave a bow to a crowd of unimpressed ultimates. "Anyways, the point is, it's not enough to kill someone. You also have to survive the class trial!"

"Kill without being caught, then survive the trial...” Rantarou let out a shaky chuckle, pressing his hand against his eyes and dragging it down his face to cover his mouth. “Sounds eerily similar to the real world."

"You think so?” Monokuma simply giggled, ignoring the dark look Rantarou was giving him. “Then the outside world must be masterfully designed, even at its cruellest!"

"Hey hey!” Ichika’s hand shot up in the air, the girl bouncing on her tippy toes. “I wanna know what the punishment for getting caught is!"

"Simply put it, it's an execution! If you do a crime, you get punished for it. That's, like, the most basic rule of society! But this is a killing game, so the punishment for murder is a bit more...**permanent.**You have free reign to murder however you'd like to! Like bludgeoning, or stabbing! Feeling cheap? Try strangulation! Feeling lazy? Try poisoning! Whether you shoot, burn, drown, blow up, crush, electrocute, or laugh or victim to death... You can use any method you kill anybody you like, any way you like! At the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, you will realize your murderous potential!"

"Killing school semester... it's like a game..."

"Kehehe, risking our lives for some silly game is absurd."

"It doesn't seem like it will be boring though."

"Hey! How can you delinquents be so calm?"

"Th-this has to be a lie right...? It's a lie... Right?"

"I-I don't want... to be in a killing game... it's wrong, I-I'd never do that." Shuichi was still shaking, sweat now visible on his face, but he still could find his voice.

Monokua’s eyes shone with glee, watching the horrific realization dawn on the students. "Puhuhu... well if you don't wanna participate, that's gonna be a problem... cuz the killing game is the only reason you're here! Now then, unleash your talents and have a happy, homicidal, horrific, hilarious killing game!"

"W-wait just a minute!" Kaede stomped forward in front of everyone, all eyes falling on her. "No matter what you say... we won't do it! We won't participate in a killing game! Whatever you have planned, I'm not gonna let you get away with it!"-

Tenko reached out the Kaede, shaking her head almost violently. "A-Akamatsu-san! You shouldn't rashly defy that thing-"

"No, no! I welcome her resistance!” Monokuma clapped his paws and kicked his legs, giggling. “That kinda defiant spirit is important to the killing game. It's fun to watch the defiant ones snap and get their hands dirty..."

"What do you mean by that?" Kaede snapped, her face scrunched up in a nasty scowl.

"Everyone loves that kind of brutality in a death game! Especially me! It never gets old! It's so fun and entertaining that I just get un-BEAR-ably pumped up about it! Plus, as the headmaster, it's my job to force you to do it. Ahahahahahahaha!"


Monokuma disappeared behind the stage, his cubs scrambling to return to their hatches. The Exisal’s rebooted and they followed behind their father, the heavy clunks of their mechanical footsteps and the machine's loud whirring noises slowly fading into the distance, leaving the students in a grim silence.

Their daunting silence was interrupted by a buzzing from their pockets. Some people jumped, and others reached their hands into their pockets without any thought. Kaede’s hand slowly descended into her skirt pockets to pull out a mini iPad-like machine. It was black and white like Monokuma with the school symbol smacked on the back. She tapped the device and after a ‘welcome’ screen - seriously this was mockery at its finest - a message appeared on the screen along with a scroll bar,

*Students must live at the Ultimate Academy for the remainder of their foreseeable future.*

*Once a murder takes place, all surviving students must take part in a class trial.*

*If the blackened is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.*

*If the blackened is not exposed, all remaining students will be executed.*

*If the blackened survives the class trial, they will graduate and re-enter the outside world.*

*The killing game and class trials will continue until only two surviving students remain.*

*'Nighttime' is from 10 pm to 8 am. The dining hall and gymnasium are off-limits at night.*

*Violence towards Monokuma, the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy, is strictly prohibited.*

*Monokuma will never directly commit a murder.*

*Your Monopads are very important items. Please do not damage them.*

*The body discovery announcement will play when three or more students discover a body.*

*With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore the campus at your discretion.*

*Students who violate these rules will be immediately terminated by the Exisals.*

*The headmaster may add new regulations to this list at any time.*

The silence that loomed over the group was heavy. The gym was enveloped in a heavy, uncomfortable silence, a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere the bears had brought with their antics. The students stood scattered across the polished wooden floor, their faces etched with unease, some staring at their feet, others processing the pad information and rules, and a couple even with some anger, jaws clenched and grip on the pads tight.

The silence felt almost tangible, pressing down on everyone in the room. Occasionally, someone would shift nervously, the faint rustle of clothing breaking the stillness momentarily, only to be swallowed up again by the overwhelming quiet.

"The Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles School Regulations... so these are the rules..." Ryoma rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index finger, a deep sigh escaping him.

"I do not understand why someone...” Kirumi mumbled, mostly to herself as she flicked through the pad. “…would force us to this."

“Feels strange. All these rules and regulations.” Ichika hummed, tapping her chin, her eyes drifting to the ceiling and the bright fluorescence lights. “Monokuma himself is weird.”

“Uh duh?” Kokichi rolled his eyes at Ichika, pointing his thumb at the stage. “He’s a talking robot who wants us to play a game.” He nodded and clicked his fingers. “Should’ve known those robots were suspicious from the beginning! Robots can’t be trusted!”

“I would like to inform you that I am RIGHT here and can HEAR you!” Kiibo snapped from across the room.

Ichika ignored Kiibo’s voice, lost in her thoughts. “It’s just… why have all these rules if it was just us and him… But game shows have rules like this…”

“These rules are pretty cut and dry anyway.” Kokichi rested his arms behind his head, leaning back with a smirk. “This game doesn't seem like it'll be boring."

"That's not the problem!" Tenko stomped her foot and shot Kokichi a nasty glare, which he just snickered at.

Tugging at the brim of his cap, Korekiyo let out a sigh, rubbing his ears. "Please lower your voice, it's ruining the atmosphere."

"Hey, hey! What does this sixth regulation mean?" Angie waved her arm around to get everyone's attention, bouncing on her heels. "The killing game and class trials will continue until only two surviving students remain. Only two surviving students? What would be the reason for that?"

Shuichi’s eyes scanned the pad to find the rule the artist was talking about. Once he did, he let out a hum, nodding to himself. "That would probably be because you couldn't do a class trial with only two people..."

"Nyahahaha, I see, I see. You're so smart, Saihara-kun!"

"Q-Quit screwing around!” A shout broke everyone out of their shocked trance. Kaito was unable to hold back her rage anymore, his jaw tight and his hands shaking slightly from how hard he was gripping the pad. “Killing game... school regulations... To hell with that crap! Who'd go along with something like that?" Kaito’s shot his hand with the Monopad up into the air, ready to smash it on the ground with all his might.

Rantarou’s hand shot out and grabbed Kaito’s wrist, his eyes sharpening. "Woah, hey now, don’t do that.”

"Huh?” Kaito tensed at the touch. “Why not?"

Rantarou let him go, stepping back. "The school rules say you can break it or else the Exisals will dispose of you."

"I don't care about the rules!” Kaito retaliated, holding his pad up and pointing to it. “No way I'm gonna play this messed up game!"

"It isn't about playing this game.” Ichika pouted, crossing her arms. “Did you not see the Exisals? Those things could tear you apart limb from limb until you're nothing but an unrecognisable pool of flesh and blood with the only identifiable thing about you is your eyeball.”

Kaito looked horrified at the words that spilled from the smaller girl's mouth. “W-Was all of that really necessary…”

"Tch, forget about him!” Miu’s hand waved dismissively at Kaito. “Just means one less dumbass for the world to deal with!"

Kaito froze at her words, shooting her a glare with gritting teeth. "Hey! Who you callin' a dumbass?"


A loud voice shattered the silence, reverberating through the gym. Heads snapped toward the source of the noise, their eyes widening in surprise. It was Kaede. Her voice carried an authoritative tone, cutting through the tension and demanding the student's immediate attention.

Kaito blinked at the pianist, surprised she could yell that loud. "Whoa! Wh-what the-?"

Kaede took a deep breath, holding the straps of her bag. "We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves. Right now, we *need* to work together! Honestly... I'd be more inspiring if I played a song than gave a speech... Chopin's 'Military polonaise' would definitely help us unite!"

Kokichi gave a rapid nod with a big grin. "Yeah, I could get behind some bolognese, and I don't even like meat or tomatoes."

"I agree with Akamatsu-san too!” Tenko bounded up to Kaede’s side and pat her shoulder, hitting her own chest with her fist. “We must remember who the real enemy is!” She pointed at the stage. “Master told me that strength must always be aimed in the proper direction!"

"A-anyways... you're all panicking too much... j-just stay calm like me..." Himiko swallowed thickly, her clammy hands gripping the edge of her skirt as her shoulders visibly shook.

Angie gasped, poking Himiko’s cheek then shoulder then hip. "Woah! You're shaking so much!"

"Even I can't handle these intense vibrations!” Miu’s breathing picked up, her cheeks tinted pink while she twirled a piece of hair between her fingers. “And trust me- I've got loads of experience!"

"Anyway..." Kaede continued, ignoring Miu's comment. "Why don't we work together and search for an exit one more time!"

Tsumugi merely hummed, deep in thought, cupping her face with her hand. "But... we looked all over that wall and there wasn't a single hole..."

"Now wait just a second...” Kiibo cut the cosplayer off, pinching his chin. “If there's no opening in the wall... then how did we get inside these walls in the first place?"

"...Oh, that's a good point."

Kaede’s eyes lit up at his words, clapping her hands together. "That means there's an opening somewhere! We just have to find it!” She clenched her fists, a confident smile plastered on her face. “Whoever trapped us in here wants us all to fight... So, let's show 'em that we're not gonna let that happen! We're not gonna fight each other! We're gonna work together! Okay!?"




Kaede’s confident aura slowly dissipated as the silence drawled on and on. "Why are you all quiet...? Did I say something wrong...?"

Kirumi giggled, a soft smile on her face at Kaede’s nervousness. "On the contrary.” She gestured around the room at the various ultimates staring at her. “You have made your case with such succinct aplomb that we have all been rendered speechless."

Kaito scratched the back of his head. "Heh, I was gonna say the same thing, but you beat me to it.” He punched his fists together, his voice booming. "You're exactly right! We can't let them get to us!"

"Then let's split up and try and find the exit!" Angie bounced clapping her hands together and staring up at the ceiling and the lights hanging from it. "Ohhhh! God give us strength!"

Just as they reached an agreement and were about to split up to investigate, the group was abruptly halted by someone stepping forward. "Oh, wait!" It was Gonta.

"Nyeh...?” Himiko let out a loud sigh, rubbing some sleep from her eye. “What is it? We were just about to get started..."

"Umm... it might not matter too much, but I found a manhole earlier. It was in the grass, behind the school building."

"A manhole...?" Kaede repeated.

"I peeked in and saw a big underground passage. It may have led to the exit...” Gonta trailed off, his cheeks growing slightly darker. “Sorry, it's probably not that simple."

Tenko pointed at Gonta, her brows furrowed. "Y-you gotta mention important stuff like that much faster!"

"Ipeekedinandsawabigundergroundpassage! Itmayhaveledtotheexit" Gonta bellowed out, looking Tenko directly in the eyes after he finished with a determined look.

Tenko’s posture faltered, her eyes wide. "N-Not that fast!"

"The boiler is behind the school building.” Kirumi stood by the exit door. “We must corroborate to Gonta-kun's claim at once. Please lead the way, Gonta-kun." She signalled Gonta to the door.

He nodded eagerly, quickly moving to Kirumi’s side and waving at the group to follow them. "Okay! Everyone follow me!"

The students all started to follow Gonta out of the gymnasium with high hopes and all made their way over to the boiler room.

The students all started to follow Gonta out of the gymnasium, their spirits lifted and hopes high. As they made their way over to the boiler room, their conversations buzzed with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. What were they going to find? Was this really an exit?

The air grew warmer and more humid as they neared their destination, the scent of machinery and metal becoming more prominent. When they finally reached the cold hard iron door of the boiler room, Gonta pulled the door open, revealing the brightly lit space within.

The boiler room was overrun with vegetation much like the rest of the school with trees growing inside it and the roof made of glass, allowing the natural light to shine through. The brick walls were slathered in vines and leaves, making the bricks almost impossible to see.

Rantarou watched as the final few people poured into the boiler room, the door shutting behind them with a heavy bang. "Looks like we're all here.” He turned to Gonta. “So, where's this manhole?"

"Umm... over there, in the grass..." Gonta pointed to a bronze lid in the ground.

"So... there really was a manhole, huh?" Ichika hummed, skipping over to the hole, bending down by it and knocking her fist against it. "This looks SUPEEEERRR heavy; can anyone try and lift it?" She looked up at the ground, eyeing a few particular people.

Kiibo raised his hand. "Let me try." Ichika nodded, stepping away from the hole and allowing Kiibo to take the stage. He knelt on the mossy ground, digging his fingers under the cold metal plate and tugged. And Tugged. "Grgh...! Grrrrrrrrrrgh...!" It hardly budged. He moved back and got to his feet, utterly defeated. "How embarrassing. It won't even budge."

Angie placed her hands on her cheeks, her mouth forming an O shape. "Huhhh? A robot's not even strong enough to lift it?"

"Oh, don't worry. My physical strength is approximate to that of a strong senior citizen!"

Miu gawked at Kiibo, her browns crinkled. “Th-that's f*ckin' pathetic!"

Kiibo shrunk a bit at her harsh words, pressing the tips of his fingers together. "Th-the professor did not want to repeat the tragedy that occurred during trial production..."

"Oh, then allow me!” Gontawalked up to where Kiibo was, who moved out of the way for Gonta. “I'll lift the cover to peek inside.” He copied Kiibo’s actions but unlike the robot, lifted the entire thick, bronze metal in the air as if it were made of nothing. “There we go."

Tsumugi stumbled back, physically startled at the speed and ease of Gonta. "So easily!?"

"His strength...must be due to my magic." Himiko nodded, closing her eyes slowly. "Yup... there's no mistaking it."

"Ooooh!” Tenko held her fists under her chin, her eyes sparkling. “You're amazing Yumeno-san!"

"What should I do with this now...?" Gonta asked, looking at the others expectantly, still holding the metal plate.

"Please leave it somewhere else.” Kirumi motioned at the ground. “Be careful not to hit anyone with it."

"Umm, actually, I don't think I should do that... It's not good to litter." But despite saying that, he begrudgingly tossed it aside, the metal hitting the brick wall in the corner. The now revealed manhole was incredibly dark, a very faint blue glow barely illuminating the inside and a rickety looking, rusted metal ladder descending down in the darkness.

"Kehehe... what wonderful strength...” Korekiyo held a hand over his mask, head tilting back to stare up at the ceiling, eyes half-lidded. “You could easily crush a child's skull with that strength..."

Gonta looked horribly offended, even a bit saddened that someone would say that or potentially think he would do that. "I am a gentleman! I would NEVER do that!"

Tenko gawked at Korekiyo, and then at Gonta. "Gentleman or not, *no-one* would ever do that!"

"But Gokuhara-chan is sooo much more reliable than some bean-counting robot." Kokichi snickered from behind Kiibo and poked the back of his head.

Kiibo turned to Kokichi, looking rather confused as he batted the leader’s hand away. "Are you... talking about me? Because I can count many things, not just beans... Stop poking me!"

Ichika grabbed Kokichi’s wrist, earning a cry of protest from him. "That doesn't really help you, Kiibo-san." She snickered at the puzzled robot, ignoring Kokichi’s insults at her.

Tsumugi looked down the manhole, playing with a chunk of her hair. "Th-This place is kinda creepy... We're really going in here?"

Kaito gave the nervous girl a hearty laugh, going down the ladder first. "I'm sure it's fine. At the very least, we definitely won't die down there."

Tenko watched with narrowed eyes as Kaito disappeared into the darkness, letting out a huff. "If anything happens, I'll protect most of you! But the males are on their own!" She pointed at the other men and headed down first to lead the girls.

"Then... I will protect the men." Gonta followed suit.

Rantarou stood at the edge of the manhole, eyeing every corner of the boiler room. "It’s awfully quiet... Where are Monokuma and the Monokubs?"

Korekiyo nodded in response, toying with the silver accessories on his outfit. "I was certain they would show up at some point and crush us like rotten gnats..."

Angie let out a cheer, throwing her hands up in the air. "Nyahahahaha! They probably haven't noticed yet!"

Kokichi bounced to the manhole, squeezing past Rantarou. "Then let's hurry before they show up to mess with us!" He grinned at the others, descending the manhole as well.

The remaining students proceeded to head down the manhole one by one, descending into a large, dark abyss. The metallic clang of their footsteps echoed as they climbed down the unstable ladder. The air around them grew cooler and mustier, the stank smell of sewerage filling everyone's noses with each step, the faint sound of dripping water growing louder in the darkness below.

Once they all had climbed down, they gathered at the bottom, their eyes gradually adjusting to the dim light. Before them lay a vast, open area with the sound of running water faint in the background. The cavernous space stretched out into the darkness, its walls damp and construction hooks hanging from the ceiling, barely visible in the meagre light coming from above.

Ryoma stepped down into the space and looked around, shoving his hands into his pockets. "It's more spacious than I thought it would be."

Miu pinched her nose, her face scrunching up in disgust. “This place f*ckin’ reeks! Are we in the damn sewers!?”

Kokichi cupped his hands around his mouth. "Yodelay-hee-hoooooo!"

"What is this place...?" Maki grimaced at the eerie feel of the chamber.

Kirumi hummed, looking up from the ceiling to the ground and at the various pipes and machinery that seemed to have been untouched for years. "An old industrial passageway, I suspect... Perhaps factories once existed here?"

"And this is all that's left of 'em." Kaito continued with a sigh, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Hey, take a look at this." Rantarou pointed at a wooden arrow sign that said exit in crude handwriting, and it was pointing to a dark tunnel.

"Daawww, how considerate!” Ichika cooed, clasping her hands together next to her head and tilting it. “Monokuma was so kind as to leave us some directions."

"Considerate?” Tenko gave Ichika a look, then turned to attention to the sign. “You don't think it's weird that someone would go out of their way to write 'exit'?"

"Hah-haha!” Miu burst out in a fit of laughter, pointing at Tenko. “Don't piss yourself in fear! Your natural scent is bad enough!"

"I-I'm not scared! And I smell just fine!"

"Well then, let’s go on ahead.” Rantarou stood next to the sign and tapped it. “No point just standing around here."

Shuichi nodded, staring down the tunnel, tugging at his collar. "Ah, yeah..."

"No need to worry!" Kaede exclaimed, turning back to the group and spreading her arms out wide. "It looks a bit dangerous, but we're all Ultimates here! As long as we work together, everything will work out just fine!"

"Y-Yeah... you're right."

"That's exactly what I was gonna say!" Kaito grinned at Kaede. "We're really on the same wavelength, Akamatsu! Gimme a hug!"

"Um... no."

"Typical delinquent behaviour!" Tenko growled, moving in front of Kaede as a shield. "You were trying to trick her into pressing her boobs against you!"

"How about we stop this fun banter and start the tunnel?” Ichika piped up, skipping towards the tunnel. “We need to use the*breast*of our*abilitittys*to get through it!"

Miu’s face burned bright red, her mouth hanging wide open at Ichika’s words. "W-What the f*ck did you just say!?"


“…This is unexpected.” Rantarou was the first to speak, and everyone else was too stunned at what lay before them.

It was an obstacle course, but not just the normal fun one you'd see on TV. No, this was filled with clear traps and hazards. Bombs were scattered strategically, their blinking lights a dangerous sign. The platforms varied in peril; some were moving unpredictably, while others looked dangerously fragile as if they could crumble at the slightest touch. There were swinging pendulums with blunt edges, clearly designed to push those off down into the abyss below where a stream of water gushed from the left and right sides of the course.

“Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy…” Ryoma sighed, tugging at his hat. “They want us to put on a show.”

“Hey hey!” Kokichi called out to the group, waving his arm. “This looks like parkour! Anndddd whaddya know?” He slowly turned to Ichika and pointed two fingers at her. “We just so happen to have a specialistic! So chop chop, go ahead and do the course for us.”

Ichika twirled her hair and narrowed her eyes at Kokichi, pursing her lips. “I’m not a dog, you annoying chicken nugget.”

“And I’m not edible.” Kokichi clicked his fingers and winked at the girl. “Now go make yourself useful!”

“He’s right Aki-san. You’re our best shot!” Kaede turned to Ichika, and grabbed her hands in her own. “Please! We’re counting on you.”

“That’s a lot of pressure.” Ichika deadpanned, causing Kaede to sweatdrop. Only then did she smile at the girl, holding her hand back. “But if my darling Akamatsu-san insists! How can I say no?”

“We’d force ya anyway dipsh*t, you’re a goddamn PARKOURIST!” Miu sneered, pushing the girl forward. “Now hurry the f*ck up!”

“Iruma-san!” Kaede shot a glare at the inventor who backed down immediately and apologised.

With Ichika leading the way, the group felt a sense of confidence. She was an expert, the Ultimate Parkourist. Surely she could do this, right?


The group had come to one of the platforming parts of the course. The majority had managed to get across with little to no problem, though there had been a few close calls. Himiko, however, was not as lucky. As she stepped onto one of the platforms, it swung open beneath her.


Tenko’s eyes widened in horror. “Yumeno-san!”

Her eyes widened in shock, and she desperately tried to regain her balance. But it was too late. She teetered on the edge for a moment before plummeting downward. Her head smacked against the concrete side of the platform with a sickening thud as she fell, and then she disappeared into the flowing river below. Everyone froze, their eyes staring at the spot Himiko was a mere few seconds ago, the only evidence she was there was the small spot of blood on the edge, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Tenko was about to jump after, only to be held back by Ichika. “I’ll check on her, you have physical strength, help the others.”

“B-But Yumeno-”

“Is that wise?” Ryoma gave Ichika a look. “You’re the most experienced here, leaving us could lead to disaster.”

“…Parkour isn't a group effort.” Ichika’s face went blank, starkly contrasting her usually smiley expression. “Even with me here, the result will be the same.” She then shot a smile. “I’ll be back, Yumeno-san just needs medical attention!”

After flashing them a peace sign, Ichika turned back down the course, rushing back to the entrance. With Ichika’s absence, the group became a little lost.

“She’s right, I saw Yumeno hit her head.” Kaito stepped forward in front of the group, taking Ichika’s place.

“She was bleeding too… Oh god, I hope she’s okay.” Tsumugi stared at the blood, a hand covering her mouth.

“Aki seems to know what she’s doing, and I trust her!” Kaito hit his chest with his fist. “I’ll lead the way until she gets back.”

Kaede nodded, giving him a relieved smile. “Okay… we’re counting on you.”


Ichika reached the beginning of the course again, but Himiko was nowhere to be seen. Panic set in until she heard faint gurgling sounds accompanied by loud, panicked splashes. Turning to her left, she saw Himiko, pathetically reaching for the edge, trying to pull herself up to no avail, hanging on by only her upper body.

Without hesitation, Ichika grabbed Himiko's arms, yanking her onto the hard surface. The poor magician collapsed into the parkourist, her body trembling from the ordeal. Ichika's hand shot up to the back of Himiko's head, and when she pulled it back, her fingers were stained with a little blood.

Yep, Himiko was bleeding. But not as bad as Ichika thought.

Ichika picked the smaller girl up, cradling her gently as she made her way to a nearby wall. She propped Himiko against it, then reached into her black waist bag. She pulled out a mini towel and some bandages. She gently patted the wound to dry it, Himiko was conscious, but her eyes were half-lidded.

“I'm not sure if Monokuma and his weird children have medical supplies-”

“We do!” Ichika’s head whipped around to the voice that came from behind her. It was Monotaro and she was holding a medical box with a bright red cross on the lid. “Use to your heart's content! You’re going to need it.” He then skipped away joyfully without another word, leaving Ichika with the half-conscious magician.

Ichika’s eyes narrowed. Going to need it? Thanks for the obvious foreshadowing.

“…It hurts.” Ichika snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of Himiko’s tired voice. “…What a pain.”

“Well, it’s a head wound. You wounded yourself. So I mean… no kidding it hurts.” Himiko gave Ichika an annoyed stare, her brows furrowing. Ichika let out an internal sigh. This girl, thankfully, wasn't hurt that badly if she acted like this. “Well, you’re still bleeding, so be a good girl and let me bandage you up.”

Himiko, with no other choice, let out a long sigh as Ichika pulled out a white medical bandage. She grabbed a bottle of disinfectant from the kit, lathering her hands with it before she reached her hand back to Himiko’s wound. “This might hurt a little.”

Ichika gently pressed the back of Himiko’s head, feeling her skull. Himiko let out a small whimper of pain, her eyes squeezing shut when Ichika finally retracted her hand. “Lucky you, I don’t feel any skull damage. You definitely hit your head, but the blood is most likely because the edge of the concrete was so coarse and rough. You just scraped your scalp.” She explained as she wrapped Himiko’s head up in the medical bandage, applying decent pressure to the wound.

“Ow… it’s tight.”

“Has to be. You wanna bleed out hm?”

“…no.” Himiko pouted.

Ichika rolled her eyes playfully at Himiko’s pout, finishing up her task. “There. Now you have to take it easy, even though it's not that serious. Don’t do the course again, but I have a feeling that’s what you want.” Noticing Himiko’s shivering, Ichika slid out of her pink and white jumper, wrapping it around Himiko’s body and pulling the zipper up, cocooning the girl in the fabric.

“Nyeh…” Himiko’s eyes started to flutter shut, her body slowly starting to tilt to one side.

Ichika wasn’t having that. “Hey hey!” She gently shook the girl awake. “Don’t sleep! You can’t move your neck for now just in case you do have a fracture and-”

“Ok ok!” Himiko sat back up properly. “…You’re being such a pain.”

Ichika pouted and crossed her arms, glaring down at the girl. “I come back here to make sure you’re not dead and this is how you say thanks?” She huffed, tapping her foot.

“…Nyeehhh… sorr-” Himiko’s thanks were cut off by a plethora of splashes and the sounds of two people complaining. Ichika looked over her shoulder at the river to see Kaito and Miu crawling out of the river, completely and utterly soaked.

“Ugh f*ck! This is cold!” Miu barked, wringing out her hair. “Hey dumbass! You better not be tryna cope a stare while my uniform is wet!” She barked at the astronaut who was flicking his coat.

“What the hell is your problem!?” He snarled at the inventor. “Just shut up would you, you’ve been blaming me nonstop even though it was YOU who hit the damn bombs!”

“Heeee! W-Why are you yelling… I-I’m sorry…”

Ichika snickered while Himiko glared at the two nosiest members of the group. “Guessing you two didn’t make it.”

“What gave it away Sherlock.” Miu’s crude attitude snapped back into action, flipping Ichika off.

“How’s Yumeno?” Kaito walked over to Ichika, bent down by Himiko. He looked down at the injured magician. “Geez… anything broken?”

“Nope! Lucky girl. She is bleeding but that’ll heal up in no time.” Ichika let out a Psh sound and flicked her wrist.

“You’re going back out, right? They… We need your help.” Kaito grew solemn and uncertain, rubbing his neck. “This course is…”

“Don’t put so much faith in me.” Ichika got to her feet, brushing her clothes out. “As a parkourist, it’s important to know if you can or can’t make a jump.”

“Don’t be silly!” Kaito let out a sigh, giving Ichika a disappointed look. “I expected better from you Aki. You seem like the type to remain positive, so you should know that anything is possible, you just gotta make it so!”

“What the f*ck are you saying!? If something’s impossible, it’s impossible!” Miu barked, now squeezing the cold water out of her baby blue ribbon. “Like this stupid ass course!”

“Well with that mindset of yours, it certainly will be!”

Ichika decided she… did not want any part in this. After placing the medical box by Himiko’s side, she carefully maneuvered her way back to where she had returned. The tunnel seemed even more foreboding now, the darkness pressing in on her as she made her way through.

As she expected, the others had made their way further down the course. But then she saw it. Tenko, Shuichi, and Korekiyo were floating down the course together, Rantarou close behind them, Tenko cursing at the boys and yelling something about Himiko, padding down the river.

That wasn't a good sign now was it?

She kept progressing until their voices started to become louder and more prominent. It didn’t take long until she caught up just in time to witness Tsumugi and Angie get hit by an explosive, the cosplayer stumbling back into the artist, her loud shrieks echoing in the chamber as they fell, slashing into the water.

“Ah-!” Kaede looked down and gritted her teeth. “Dammit… Aki-san! You’re back!” She waved at Ichika, who hopped on the platform with them.

“Your friendly neighbourhood parkourist is here!” She saluted Kaede, giving the girl a wink. “I see we’ve gone down in numbers!”

“How’s Yumeno?” Inquired Ryoma.

“She’s fine.”

“Alright… come on guys. Let’s do this.” Kaede stared ahead, eyes narrowed and focused.

Ichika started leading the way through the course, the others following closely behind. Unfortunately, it wasn't as easy as it looked, even for Ichika. As they ventured further, Kiibo carelessly stepped on a fragile platform that swung open beneath him, bringing Gonta and Kirumi down with him, their yells echoing through the cavernous space.

Kokichi looked over the edge, hurling insults at the poor robot, his attention diverted from the danger surrounding him. His distraction nearly cost him dearly as he narrowly dodged a swinging hammer. Kaede turned back to scold him, only to be struck by the hammer that lay in front of the previous. The force of the blow knocked her clean off her feet, and she fell into the abyss below.

The suddenness of Kaede getting hit right in front of Kokichi caused him to stumble back in shock, his eyes wide. Unfortunately, he slipped on the wet platform and fell after her, attempting to grab ahold of the course edge but to no avail, his scream mingling with hers as they disappeared into the darkness.

Now only Ichika, Ryoma, and Maki remained, the course more daunting than ever before. Cages started falling from the roof, one ironically capturing Ryoma just as the floor opened beneath him. The sound of bombs exploding became more frequent, one flashing right in Ichika’s face. The blinding light caused her to stumble back in disorientation and she lost her footing, falling off the edge and pulling Maki down with her.

And just like that, all progress was lost.


Kaede’s head was pounding, the echo in her ears ringing almost painfully. Her body felt heavy and cold, eyes fluttering open. “…Uh…? What…?”

“You’re awake. Are you alright?” Kirumi’s gentle voice snapped Kaede wide awake, shooting up from her spot. The course! They… they failed. She clenched her fists as she looked around at the now-drenched group, the frustration at herself welling up inside her.

“I-I’m fine, but what about everyone else?”

“Some others and I have been checking up on people while you were passed out.” Kirumi motioned to Ichika, who was by Kokichi, applying disinfectant to his left hand.

“Stop squirming!” Ichika snapped at Kokichi, who was wiggling around and trying to take his hand back from Ichika’s grip.

“Nooooo! It stings it stings!” Kokichi burst out into crocodile tears, loud wails and sniffles bouncing off the walls. “WAAAHHHH AKI-CHANS HURTING MEEE!”

“Can you just shut up and let her help you!” Kaito snapped at the wailing boy while Ichika just continued to apply the disinfectant, unbothered.

Kaede looked around the room at the others. Some were bandaged up, evidence of the recent ordeals they had endured. Others were just drenched from the rivers, their clothes clinging to them and their hair plastered to their faces. And then there was…

“Yumeno-san!” Tenko was right by Himiko’s side, holding a white towel and patting her hair down, gently drying her body. Himiko was slumped against the wall, shivering, looking dazed and tired as she huddled in Ichika’s jumper.

Kaede rushed to Himiko’s side. “Hey… is she alright…?”

“Nyeh… I-I’m fine… Just cold…”

“She did hit her head on the edge, but it wasn't as bad as I thought.” Ichika had finished wrapping up Kokichi’s hand, securing the bandage firmly. She then stood and walked over to Kaede, tapping her on the shoulder. “The blood was because she scraped her scalp on the edge, but the actual impact wasn't that bad. It’s just like… if you grazed yourself on the concrete. But it’s your scalp.”

“Oh, that’s a relief…” Kaede turned her head over her shoulder, observing her fellow students.

They were silent, staring at the ground or their injuries, looking crestfallen as the events of the course played in their heads. The room was filled with an oppressive stillness, each person lost in their thoughts, replaying the harrowing moments and the failed escapes.

"Geez, this is quite the pity party you sadsacks are throwing for yourselves!" An annoying, high-pitched voice exclaimed, breaking the heavy silence. The students all turned to the source of the voice and saw Monokuma giggling with his Monokubs behind him.

The Monokubs chimed in with their own mocking laughter, pointing at the drenched and injured students. The students' expressions shifted from weariness to a mix of anger and defiance as they glared at their tormentors.

Monophaine gave them what they assumed was supposed to be an empathetic look. "Wow, you all look exhausted. Poor things, I feel sorry for you."

"Sheesh, this place is filthy. It's murder on my cashmere skin." Monotaro commented, flicking off specks of dust on his shoulders.

Monokid jabbed his thumb in Monodam’s direction. "I bet Monodam's feelin' lucky right now! His body's a cheap piece of junk!"


"Why don't you respond to him, Monodam?" Monosuke asked. "It'll liven things up a little."

"Tch..." Kaito glared at the bears, his fist clenched tightly. "So you guys crawled outta your holes. I guess you finally noticed what we were up to."

Monokuma tilted his head, tapping his paw against his chin. "...Noticed? I've known for a while that you guys would botch whatever escape plan you had."

Kaede scrambled to her feet to properly face their tormentors. "What?"

Maki clicked her tongue, leaning against the wall in a corner. "If you knew all along, then this was just a trap."

Tenko scowled at the maniacal bear, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "Then there *was* no exit! You tricked us!" she shouted, her voice filled with righteous anger.

Monophanie shook her head slowly, pointing down the dark tunnel. "...No, there's an exit."

"I think you guys'll manage to reach it if you all work together!" Monotaro chimed in, waving his arms around like an excited child.

"Yeah! There's nothing you seventeen Ultimates can't accomplish if you work together!"

"Puhuhu." Monokuma stared down at the students, his red eye glowing ominously, the eerie light casted sinister shadows across the room. "And if at first you don't succeed... try, try again. Try as many times as you want until you accept reality! Ah-hahahaha!"

The Monokubs joined in on their father's laughter, their high-pitched giggles blending together and echoing in the basem*nt. With a final hop, they all bounced away together, leaving the students in a heavy silence once again.

"So we can escape if we work hard enough!?" Tenko asked, getting to her feet.

Miu gave the girl a sneer, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing. "No way, you moron! They'd be freakin' out if we could actually reach it!"

Ryoma pulled his hat down, a dark look dawning on his face as he stared down the dark tunnel. "That's probably why they let us try. They want us to try the underground passage so we'd learn that escape is impossible."

"Instead of blocking off every exit completely, they leave that little bit of hope..." Rantarou grumbled, running a hand through his hair. "They want us to be desperate to go home. Corner us mentally."

Holding her hands close to her chest, Tsumugi glared at the ground. "That's just rotten..."

Kaede stepped forward, glaring down the daunting darkness of the tunnel before her. "Yeah, but we can't just give up. We can't give up this early, right?"

"But... isn't getting out of here impossible?" Himiko groaned, rubbing her bandaged head.

"No, it's not.” Kaede stood her ground, turning back to the students, her eyes blazing with determination. “It may take one more try or a lot more tries, but it's not impossible. Forget about Monokuma. It doesn't matter what he says to us. I don't wanna lose to him! And I don't want any of you to lose, either! I refuse to lose to someone who would do these terrible things to us!"

A smile crept onto Shuichi’s face, one of pure admiration. "Akamatsu-san..."

"And once we get out of here and make it to the outside world...” She clasped her hands together, shooting her fellow Ultimates a gentle smile. “Why don't we all stay friends?"

Gonta’s eyes widened slightly. "...F-Friends?"

"Yeah... After going through an experience like this, I think we'd all be the best of friends.” Kaede let out a weak laugh, searching the back of her head, twirling her heel on the ground. “I mean, it's not every day you get to meet other Ultimates..."

After a small silence, a deep chuckle from Ryoma brought everyone back. "Hmph... that might not be bad."

"Yeah.” Tsumugi nodded in agreement, hope sparkling in her eyes. “That's a great idea."

"Then we've got all the more reason to escape this place, no matter what." Kirumi nodded, standing by Kaede.

"My body is ready!” Tenko assuming a stance and glared down the tunnel. “You can tell by how outta control my pit sweat it!"

"E-Everyone!" Kaede exclaimed, her eyes growing slightly teary.

"Isn't it a bit premature to say what we'll do after we escape?" Kiibo interrupted, tapping her chin with his finger, clearly not reading the room very well. "Assumptions are all but useless."

Kokichi let out a long, loud, dramatic groan, giving the poor robot a look that borderline on disgusted. "Geez, you're clueless... Why am I not surprised that a robot can't read the air?"

"Robots can read the air! Thanks to innovations in pollutant-detecting technology, I-" Kiibo was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder and a gentle knock to his head.

"Kiibo-san, you're just proving his point. Just trust me and stop talking." Ichika snickered.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter if Monokuma says it's impossible! We'll show him what we can do!" Kaito exclaimed, punching his fists together.

"Yeah! You're right!" Kaede agreed, her head nodding enthusiastically.

"It seems like a pain... but I do wanna... go home…" Himiko said slowly, staring at the ground while twidling her thumbs.

“Don’t worry Yumeno-san! I’ll help you all I can! We gotta help everyone!” Tenko held her arms out to Himiko, then offering to piggy back her to the exit.

"Yeah, let's work together!" Kokichi threw his arms up in the air, bouncing in his spot with a big grin. "We messed up last time, but I'm sure it'll go well this time!"

"I'm sure we'll be fine.” Angie clasped her hands together, closing her eyes in a slient prayer. “A divine wind will blow through and lift us to victory."

Korekiyo shivered, hugging his body. "Aaah, humanity is *truly* wonderful. The way you all confront adversity is beautiful."

“Whelp, let’s get on with it. Hey midget!” Miu snapped her fingers and pointed at the tunnel. “Get your f*ckin ass back on it!”

“…” Ichika’s face fell strangely blank. “…I’m leading again?”

“You are a parkourist.” Maki gave Ichika an unblinking stare. “Is this a course not even you can do?”

“Don’t be stupid, of course she can!” Kaito chimed in without letting Ichika speak, giving her a gentle slap on the back. “I believe in her, I know she can guide us to freedom.”

“Fineeee fine…” Ichika let out a dramatic sigh. “Off we go.”

With new and lifted spirits, the seventeen students gathered their courage and prepared to tackle the tunnel once again. The recent encounter with Monokuma and the Monokubs had reignited their resolve, and they were determined to overcome the obstacles ahead.


Kaede awoke, groaning in pain on the hard, metal surface of the basem*nt. What just happened? Her eyes snapped open to see everyone back and washed up at the entrance again. Biting her thumb, she let out a deep sigh. “I-I lost consciousness… again…”

“W-What gives!? I was expecting a happy ending!” Miu shot an accusatory finger at Ichika. “Your parkour skills arent doing sh*t!”

“May I remind you, Iruma.” Ichika shot Miu a nasty sneer, quite out of character for her. “I’m the ultimate parkourist, not a master at it…” She trailed off, staring at the ground.

“Oh dear, the parkourist doesn't seem too excited about this!” Kokichi chimed in with his annoying comments, raising at eyebrow at her. “Is this your indirect way of tell us this is impossible?”

“No, don’t say that!” Kaede cried out, shooting to her feet way too fast, her head aching still, but she ignored it, refusing to bend to Monokuma’s will.

“Yeah! Don’t give up now, that was just the second attempt!” Kaito roared, taking charged and going into the tunnel first this time.

Kaede nodded, smiling as best she could, but the strained nature of it was obvious. "We can do this… This time we’ll make it! This time…!”

Again, they ventured into the tunnel, navigating the treacherous course with renewed resolve. They were a team, right? They just had to work together, then they could leave. They could escape. They could be friends!

But each attempt ended in failure. Every time they tried and failed, their spirits took another hit. They watched as their friends fell behind, unable to keep up, succumbing to injuries or sheer exhaustion.

The once cohesive group began to fray at the edges, despair looming over them like a dark cloud. Kaede, who was their beacon of hope, the source of motivation with her uplifting words, found it harder to maintain her own optimism. She saw the looks of defeat on their faces, heard the soft murmurs of doubt.

But she couldn't falter now.

But with each new attempt, more of them were left behind, being knocked off the platforms and into the water below earlier and earlier in each attempt. The injuries mounted and the weight of their repeated failures bore down on them.

After yet another failed attempt, Shuichi and Rantarou taking quite a beating this round, they regrouped in the basem*nt, breathing heavily and nursing their wounds. The air was heavy, no longer full of the hope they had a few attempts ago.

“Failed… again…” Gonta gritted his teeth, holding his right arm which had gotten bruised from a fall.

“Damit it…!” Kaito hit the wall, glaring down at the ground.

Tsumugi was completely floored, on the ground and panting. “I-I can’t go on…”

Kaede looked around at her friends. She knew they couldn't continue like this, but she also knew they couldn't give up. With a shaky breath, she stood up, her voice wavering but resolute. "G-guys come on! One more time, this time we'll-" But she was interrupted

"Knock it off already..."

"H-huh?" It was Kokichi, clutching an arm of his and leaning against a nearby wall.

"You're free to keep trying on your own, but forcing us to join you is basically torture...” He looked Kaede directly in the eyes, his teeth clenched and eyes watery. “You know what really hurts? Being denied the right to give up in an impossible situation... you won't let us give up, no matter what we say, you have the moral high ground... that... doesn't sound like torture to you? When you say we can't give up, you're not inspiring us, you're strong-arming us!"

Kaede was shell shocked, stepping back and rubbing her arm, her eyes averting to the ground. "I-I didn't mean it like that..." But the weight of their repeated failures and the sight of her friends' suffering was almost too much to bear.

Tenko, however, was not having any of Kokichi’s behaviour. "Hey delinquent, stop being so selfish!"

But Kokichi didn't let down, his cold gaze now turning to Tenko. "I'm not being selfish... the others feel the same way..." He gestured to the others in the room.

Kaede followed his hand, her face paling as she took in the situation. "E-Everyone...?"

Everyone was exhausted and beaten down, their bodies bearing the bruises and injuries of their repeated attempts to navigate the dark tunnel. Each student possessed some kind of injury, ranging from minor cuts and bruises or even more serious wounds. Their spirits, once high with hope, were now all but crushed under the weight of repeated failure and despair. Even Ichika started to look apprehensive of the situation, drying herself off with a small handtowel from her bag.

"My spirit... is nearly broken..." Korekiyo spoke up first, tugging his hand over his eyes. "This hardship gnaws at me..."

Kiibo was sat on the ground, drawing circles with with finger on the concrete. "Given the circ*mstance... the most logical course of action would be to give up..."

"Yeah...” With a nod, Tsumugi agreed with the others, leaning her back against a pipe. “I feel like Hisashi Mitsui in the second half of a basketball game..."

"I knew this was impossible from the start." Maki scoffed, turning her back to the group.

Miu’s eyes were narrowed, hands on her hips as she turned her nose up at everyone. "Kh... This bullsh*t is a waste of my precious time and energy."

"I can't let you all rely on my magic... Besides, I don't have enough MP left. I lost most of it on the first run…" Himiko mumbled, curled up in a wet ball in the corner.

"I'm just relieved that no one was seriously injured. Praise be to God." Angie chirped, clapping her hands together on her knees, staring up at the ceiling.

"P-please wait!” Gonta frantically shook his head, his eyes darting around the room at everyone who was giving up. “We can't give up yet!"

"You guys!” Kaito shot the sulking group a glare, his frustration palpable as he surveyed the defeated faces of his friends. “Are you really okay with not getting out of this place!?"

"Shut up would ya!” Miu barked, flipping Kaito off then pointing at Ichika. “If this f*cking little sh*t can’t even do the course, what goddamn hope do we have!?” She sneered at Ichika. “Some parkourist you are.”

“…Excuse me.” Ichika rose to her feet, her smile gone for the first time. “Parkour isn’t a mindless sport. It’s meticulous. Requires planning and quick on the spot thinking. And most importantly…” She stared right into Miu’s eyes, her own wide. “It’s a *solo* sport. Other people doing the same course as you *slows you down*. I have been carrying people back and tending to injuries because none of you survey your surroundings properly!” Ichika raised her voice as she lectured Miu, who backed away from the girl, a nervous chuckle escaping her.

"Th-Then just go by yourself…?"

Ichika just sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I'm not an idiot. I know the difference between a possible jump and an impossible one. Those bombs don't have a set moving pattern. They move like they’re being controlled.”

Rantarou blinked at Ichika. “Controlled…?”

“Are you saying…” Shuichi swallowed thickly, struggling to verbalize this truth. “Monokuma’s been actively ruining our chances?”

“…” Ichika stared at him for a moment before shrugged way too nonchalantly for the bombshell she dropped. “Whatever. It was obvious he was never going to let us leave.”

“Then… Then what was even the point…!?” Kiibo groaned, burying his face into his knees.

A chuckle broke the conversation. "We shouldn't have to push ourselves...” Kokichi put a finger up to his lips. “Let's just find another way out."

Kaede coughed, her head snapping to gawk at Kokichi and the absured words he spewed out. "What!?"

Rantarou’s body stiffened, his eyes narrowing at the small boy. "...You're talking about the killing game, aren't you?"

Kokichi gave him a bright eyes smile, his hands behind his head. "Oh, so you're gonna interpret it like that, huh?"

"W-what are you saying!?” Tenko rapidly shook her head, sliding a hand through the air. ”There's no way we can do the killing game!"

"Nee-heehee, calm down!” Kokichi waved his hand dismissively at her, pulling out a pink package from his pocket. “Want some bubble-gum? You can blow some pretty big bubbles with it!"

Tenko got to her feet, slowly moving towards Kokichi, her frindge casting a shadow over her eyes. "Oh-hoho... looks like this little delinquent wants to have his head smashed into the ground..."

Ichika grabbed Tenko’s wrist before she could advance any further, earning a yelp from the girl along with pink cheeks. "Please calm down, we don't need any more injured people, no matter how tempting it may be to smash his head into the ground."

"Ehhhhh? Aki-chan wants to smash my head into the ground too?" Kokichis eyes started to get glossy, giving Ichika a pitiful look.

"I never said that, you chicken nugget! Get your ears cleaned!"

Shuichi tried to step forward. "S-Stop, guys, we shouldn't be fighting..." But his voice was too meek for anyone to really hear him.

"Geez... we fell apart for a group that decided to be friends and work together..." Ryoma grunted while turning his back to the group.

"I'm sorry, this is my fault... I'm so sorry..." Kaede looked down, rubbing her arm with a mixture of exhaustion and guilt.

"I-Idiot! What're you apologizing for?” Kaito pat Kaede’s shoulder twice, doing his best to comfort her. “It's not your fault!"

"...Really? I think it's Akamatsu's fault." Maki interjected, twirling her dark brown hair around her index finger.

"H-Huh!? Why!?"

***Ding Dong!***

The intercom suddenly began to ring, its sharp sound cutting through the heavy silence in the basem*nt. The students looked up in surprise, their expressions weary full of apprehension. The screen flickered to life, and the faces of the Monokubs appeared, their expressions as mischievous as ever as they announced that it was 10pm.

"Nighttime huh?” Ratnarou was the first to speak after the monitor switched off again. “Whelp, no sense pushing our luck. We should probably just get a fresh start tomorrow."

His words earned a curious look from the Ultimate artist. "Fresh start...?"

"We've been assigned a room in the dormitory.” Kirumi pointed out. “Perhaps we should rest there."

Miu’s face morphed into one of pure horror. "Heeeeee! We're gonna rest there!?"

"The rooms aren't that bad. Much better than my prison cell, that's for sure." Ryoma commented with a weak chuckle.

Tsumugi, however, was like Miu. Not taking this very well. "But... it makes me nervous to think we'll be staying the night at this creepy school."

"Well, nothing we can do but suck it up!" Kokichi let out a laugh that echoed in the basem*nt. "So what's our plan for tomorrow? Since the dining hall opens at 8 a.m, how about we meet at that time?"

"Sure, I think that'll work.” Rantarou nodded at the boy. “I'm okay with that."

Maki was already by the ladder to the manhole. "Can we go to our rooms already?"

Kirumi nodded. "Yes, we should get as much rest as we can and regain our strength."

"Nyeeeh... I dunno if I can go pee by myself in the middle of the night." Himiko whined, rubbing her head.

"I'll come with you! If you don't mind, that is! Just lemme know!" Tenko said a little bit too enthusiastically.

“Also stop rubbing your head!” Ichika called out with her hands cupped around her mouth.

"Hey, guys? Just... as a warning..." Rantarou spoke up suddenly, his expression shifting into a more sinister one. "We shouldn't let our guards down. We'll be easy targets at night."

Gonta’s face paled, swallowing thickly. "B-Because of the killing game!?”

Kiibo just blinked at him, his head tilting to the left. "I see no reason to worry about something as illogical as murder taking place here."

"But nothing about what he said was illogical." Ichika countered. "I'm sure that we all know that what he said was very possible."

"I know I know. Just a warning.”

Those words were the last spoken before everyone clambered back up the ladder, retreating to the strange dormitories with no other choice but to rest in them. The weight of their exhaustion and the uncertainty of their future hung heavy in the air as they made their way to their assigned rooms, the silence of the night wrapping around them like a heavy blanket.

Torment and Lies (New Danganronpa v3 x OC) (2024 rewrite) - Chapter 3 - EeveeShiko (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.